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Animate - HTML5 Banner Advertising in Adobe Animate.

What You Need in the End

Daniel Walter Scott || VIDEO: 46 of 53

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Hey, welcome to the publishing part of the video series. This is the 'What you need in the end.' And essentially you got to hit File, Publish, maybe you've to hit that Publish button, and not just using any of the temporary files. And you end up with some htmls, some javascripts, and some images. And you zip them up, and then you send them off. I wish! But there is a little bit of exercise we need to do. If it's a really simple ad network, like Google's AdWords, what you need to do is send the zip up, and generally it works pretty fine.

But with pretty much everybody else there's a little bit of fiddling you need to do with the html file, and generally it's just copying and pasting bits of codes you need to add to that ad group or that ad network. We copy and paste it in. And everyone is slightly different so what you're going to have to do is-- in this tutorial I'll take you through a couple of ones that I know, and hopefully that will give you a flavor of what people want, and where it goes, and how to get it in there, but you're going to have to work out specifically from the specs from your ad provider.

The best way to get started off tends to be, to go to-- say you are with DoubleClick, and go and find-- they'll have some templates, I know they got templates. Find the ad, the exact size, the exact same thing you're trying to do, download the example, and use the html file and have a look into it; open it up in an encoder reader, either Dreamweaver, or Brackets, or Commodore, or something else, and just see what's in there and see if there's any tags in there. Check out their specs, check out what's in their example, and just copy and paste the bits you might need, and hopefully you should be able to work it out. But we'll do a few ourselves.

Now what happens is, quite often the designer—Like, my role is to do that kind of creative stuff, and I do a bit of adding the code, but often if it's going to be a very complex kind of ad group that you're going on to, often I'll hand that art work or this zip file off to a developer, and they'll either do one of two things, they'll either send me what's called a template, which I can jam into Adobe Animate, and I just click template, and click publish, and that does add all the html bits that I need, otherwise they might be adding it to it themselves before sending it off to be used as art work. 

So, figure it out where you’re sending your roll. Whether you're a one-man band or whether you're part of a bigger team and you're getting help from developers. Alright, let's see you in the next video.